
Surname, Given Name, "Article", Journal, Vol. _ No. _ (Date), pp._ - _.

Surname, Given Name, "Article", in Editor (ed.), Book (Place: Publisher, Year), pp._-_.


  1. Elman, B.A., "Ch'ing Dynasty 'Schools' of Scholarship", Ch'ing-shih wen-ti, Vol.4 No.6 (Dec,1981), pp. 1-44.
  2. Ho, Ping-ti, "Salient Aspects of China's Heritage", in Ping-ti Ho & Tang Tsou (eds.), China in Crisis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1968), Vol.1, Book 1, pp. 1-92.

Surname, Given Name, "Thesis" (unpublished ______ dissertation, University, Year).


  1. Lynn A. Struve, "Uses of History in Traditional Chinese Society: The Southern Ming in Ch'ing Historiography" (unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1974).

Surname, Given Name, "Article", Name of Conference (Place: Host of Conference, Year), _pp.


  1. Wang, A., "Cosmology and Empire: Debates, Contestations, and Change", International Conference on The Chinese First Empires: A Re-appraisal (Cambridge: Cambridge University, July 2005), 10pp.

Surname, Given Name, Book (Place: Publisher, Year).


  1. Guy, R. Kent, The Emperor's Four Treasuries (Cambridge & London: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1987).
  2. Tu, Wei-ming, Centrality and Commonality (New York: State University of New York Press, 1989).

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